Four ways to make your training more effective

What makes an effective teacher/trainer? Why do some people get the best out of their learners and others struggle? There are many factors involved – personality, experience, suitable objectives, background, subject expertise to name just a few – but at its core effective training must link to information the learner already knows or has experiencedContinue reading “Four ways to make your training more effective”

Make Your Training Sticky!

What is it that makes some learning content memorable and others not? What is it that learners take away with them the most? Often it may be the personality and enthusiasm of the trainer and other times it may be a shared anecdote or illustration BUT the key is to engage your audience’s emotions atContinue reading “Make Your Training Sticky!”

L&D – What’s the point?

Learning & Development has taken on many guises and it is time to reimagine the role once again. Gone are the days when ‘one size fits all’ (if they were ever here in the first place) and the last decade of technological advancement means we now have learners demanding the same learning experience at workContinue reading “L&D – What’s the point?”